1. Distributed Key Generation System and Method
A distributed key generation system and method, comprising multiple electronic devices and a
server. Each electronic device sends a data fragment, and the server synthesizes the key
based on these fragments. This approach ensures that keys are not pre-generated, reducing
the risk of key leakage. Users can define custom fragments as the smallest units, such as a
melody, an image, or a fingerprint, which serve as unique vault key components. The key is
instantly synthesized at the moment of approval using a proprietary, irreversible algorithm.
Since no key is stored within the system, the risk of hacking is eliminated.
Patent Number: I840010
2. Digital Data Anti-Counterfeiting Device and Method
With the advancement of technology, digital photos and text have become common tools for
recording and preserving information. Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital
data against tampering and forgery is increasingly important. This technology encrypts and
verifies the "fingerprint" of the data. Before generating digital content, it detects
whether functions that can alter or replace data or web page source code are enabled and
requires a browser restart to prevent screen manipulation.
Patent Number: I693816
3. Blockchain-Based Contract Signing and Verification System
Electronic contract signing is primarily achieved through hash algorithms and public-key
cryptography to encrypt and decrypt contracts. Traditional contract signing solutions store
electronic contracts with centralized third-party institutions, posing a risk of
unauthorized tampering. This patented system introduces an innovative online contract
signing and verification method by comparing the original contract’s hash value to ensure
its integrity. The signed contract’s hash value is then uploaded to the blockchain for
permanent storage. Additional anti-counterfeiting measures, such as company stamps,
handwritten signatures, or biometric verification, enhance security while eliminating the
need for complex paper-based processes, achieving a fully digital, undeniable contract
signing workflow.
Patent Number: I704794
4. Email Authenticity Verification System
To prevent fraudsters from altering email content to deceive users into revealing sensitive
information or making unauthorized payments, this invention introduces a system that
verifies the authenticity of emails using embedded media files. When an email is sent, a
screenshot of the email content and its fingerprint are uploaded to the blockchain for
preservation. Upon receiving the email, the system verifies the fingerprint against the
original and highlights any discrepancies. This feature is particularly useful for financial
transactions, such as invoice delivery and wire transfer instructions, and serves as a
blockchain-based solution for email authenticity verification in corporate contracts and
financial communications.
Patent Number: I732599